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Masculine and Feminine Qualities

This is an exercise on masculinity, looking at your core masculinity. Watch the video to help explain the exercise. You complete the exercise at the beginning and end of the course.

Masculinity and Femininity

Masculinity and femininity exist as polar opposites in sexual polarity, it is necessary that they do, but that is between two people. Within a person the situation is far more complex. The concept of six essentially masculine qualities and six essential feminine qualities helps to clarify this. Everyone has access to these qualities and can develop them. People live with they're own combination of the qualities so that an individual's masculinity or femininity is a matrix of the extent to which they embody the qualities.

There are six essentially masculine qualities and six essential feminine qualities. Everyone has access to these qualities. You live with your own combination of them, your masculinity is a matrix of the extent to which you embody the qualities.


Do the exercise in relation to where you are now in your masculinity. You will rate yourself against all 12 qualities where you were before embarking on the course. The rating is 1 to 5.

The Masculine Qualities

The Feminine Qualities

All of these characteristics are available to you. They act as a model to help you understand yourself. They don't specify how to be masculine. They indicate, for you as a man, where masculinity lies.

Keep these ratings, you will need them at the end of the course.